About Us

At the beginning of the century, in the Campeda area in the heart of Sardinia, a group of livestock farmers decided to form a cooperative to produce and market cheese.

The Art of Cheesemaking
The Campeda plateau and the Marghine region are characterized by a unique geo-climatic position that makes them ideal pastures, thanks to the abundance of forage and the great variety of aromatic herbs that lend the milk and its derivatives unparalleled qualities and flavors.

The fertile pastures, the carefully selected livestock, and the millennia-old cheesemaking tradition of the local inhabitants were the essential and irreplaceable elements that led to the creation of LACESA (Latteria Centro Sardegna), through the merger of the ancient cooperatives of Bortigali, Macomer, and Silanus.

Over the years, the LACESA Cooperative has consistently maintained high-quality standards in its dairy production, achieved through the careful selection of milk, rigorous production processes, and zootechnical support provided to farmers.