Since 1907, LACESA carries on the authenticity of the Sardinian dairy tradition and produces in the heart of the island, excellent cheese specialties through the use of high-quality raw materials and innovative production processes that respect the environment.

The Art of Cheesemaking

The Campeda Plateau and the Marghine region are distinguished by a unique geo-climatic position, making them ideal grazing lands. This is due both to the abundance of forage and the wide variety of aromatic herbs that lend the milk and its derivatives unparalleled characteristics and flavors. Fertile pastures, carefully selected livestock, and the centuries-old cheesemaking tradition of the area's inhabitants have been the essential and irreplaceable elements that gave rise to LACESA (Latteria Centro Sardegna), through the merger of the historic cooperatives of Bortigali, Macomer, and Silanus. Over the years, the LACESA Cooperative has consistently maintained high-quality standards in its cheesemaking production by carefully selecting milk, adhering to rigorous production processes, and providing zootechnical support to farmers.



Mature sheep’s cheese with straw yellow, compact, hard texture, sparse eyes, tasty and aromatic flavour. Produced from an accurate selection of Sardinian whole sheep’s milk from wild pasture-based breeding.
Dolce Macomer

Dolce Macomer

Fresh cow’s cheese, with straw yellow, soft and elastic texture, sparse eyes, mild and aromatic flavour. Produced from an accurate selection of Sardinian whole cow’s milk from wild pasture- based breeding.
"Montanaru" Percorino Romano DOP - Black

"Montanaru" Percorino Romano DOP - Black

Mature sheep’s cheese, lactose free, with white, hard texture, sparse eyes, tasty, aromatic and slightly spicy flavour. Produced using a selection of whole sheep’s milk from farms that feed on pastures located at an altitude of over 600 meters, rich in essences and plant varieties that give the cheeses unique aromas and flavors.